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Gloucestershire Health and Care Knowledge and Library Services: Resources

Some resources listed on this page will require you to login using your OpenAthens username and password, others are freely available on the web.

Register for, or manage, your OpenAthens account here.

Email if you encounter problems with accessing any of these resources.

OpenAthens authenticated resources

A decision support tool that offers a step-by-step approach to help manage patient diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention.


Fully illustrated guides for practical clinical skills procedures supporting nurses and other health care professionals


Clinical nurse experts from one of the UK’s leading centres of expertise have brought together all the latest clinical evidence nurses need to meet confidently the requirements of their demanding profession. The Manual includes over 350 evidence-based clinical procedures related to every aspect of care, from handwashing to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 


The Maudsley Deprescribing Guidelines Comprehensive resource describing guidelines for safely reducing or stopping (deprescribing) antidepressants, benzodiazepines, gabapentinoids and z-drugs for patients, including step-by-step guidance for all commonly used medications, covering common pitfalls, troubleshooting, supportive strategies, and more.


The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry is the essential evidence-based handbook on the safe and effective prescribing of psychotropic agents..


Stahl Online is a comprehensive and regularly updated resource that provides full access to the entire, current Cambridge portfolio of neuropsychopharmacology books by Dr Stephen M. Stahl. Covering everything that a doctor, teacher, trainee or nurse will ever need to know about neuropsychopharmacology, Stahl Online is practical and fully searchable – practitioners can find prescribing information and patient guidance materials easily and instantly.


Freely available online resources

Key information on the selection, prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines.


Freely available database of systematic reviews and clinical trials


The global standard for health data, clinical documentation and statistical aggregation.